Monday, November 12, 2012


Desperate times call for desperate measures.

So “desperate” might be a little bit of overstatement, but not by much. It feels as if time somehow zipped by and suddenly I became a middle-aged, overweight, unemployed, lazy bum. If I’m being totally honest, I’ve always been lazy, but the current culmination of all of these things is the perfect storm of failure. And I’d like to think that at least is new.

I’m not sure what the average person should or would do in my situation. Probably something reasonable. But reasonable isn’t my strong suit or even in my playing deck. So I’ve decided to spend 2013 fixing me by using the internet and a series of experiments. Or at least attempting to fix me because results are not guaranteed.  

After all, the internet is just full of information and advice to make you the best you possible. And most of the things take 30 days or 6 weeks or some other reasonable and often strangely even amount of time. So I figure I’ll take the time left this year searching out some of this information to prepare for 2013. Then when the new year begins, I will try these various fixes on myself and report the results.

Then I’ll know, as will you if you read this blog, if early to bed and early to rise really makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. If I can have six pack abs in six weeks? Will 30 days of affirmations change my attitude? Is it possible to learn a foreign language in 8 weeks? Whether making a tick mark for every minute for an entire day will make me appreciate how much time I have in a day? And so much more.

Now I can’t be the only person who feels trapped in a life or life-like existence that they never imagined. Maybe not to the same degree as I am, maybe just trapped in a dead end job or a completely disorganized home or a long abandoned well.  But still trapped.  Hopefully at some point someone will stumble across this blog and maybe find something that will help them or have some information that will help me. Most likely, they’ll just be a spammer who posts how they make 2 gillion dollars an hour working from home in their pjs. Liar.

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